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The Asheville Symphony Receives a Grant from the Janirve Foundation

The Asheville Symphony has received a generous grant from the Janirve Foundation for $145,000. The money has been used to purchase an electronic keyboard, make improvements to update the acoustics in the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium and improve the Asheville Symphony office. A portion of this grant money is being used to extend the stage in the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. This expansion will create the need to shift some seats in order to make sufficient room. Those people whose seats will be affected by the change will be accommodated.

Irving Jacob Reuter founded the Janirve Foundation in 1954. Mr. Reuter was a businessman who held several management positions with General Motors. He was also an inventor whose creations related to a number of important developments such as an electric generator and an ignition coil. The foundation was named "Janirve", which was the combination of the first names of Mr. Irving Reuter and his wife Jeannett Reuter. Mr. Reuter and his wife had homes in Asheville, NC as well as in Florida. In 1984, the foundation became involved in grant making, and since that time has issued 1,612 grants totaling $78,897,103. In 2005, there were 78 organizations that received grants in nine different categories that include Arts and Culture, Children and Youth, Community Projects, Education, Environment, Healthcare and Shelter, Social Services, and Miscellaneous. The total amount of funds issued in 2005 equal $5,521,800.

The Asheville Symphony would like to thank the Janirve Foundation for their generous gift and for their continued support of the arts and our community.

(Images provided by the Asheville Symphony Orchestra.)

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