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Three Foods That May Fend Off Diabetes

Eat more leafy greens. Choose fat-free yogurt. And add nuts and seeds to your diet. Each of these changes may help lower your risk of diabetes anywhere from 10 to 20 percent.

The Greens Scene: In a study, eating just one serving per day decreased diabetes risk by almost 10 percent. So stock up on spinach, arugula, romaine, and kale. (Related: Reverse prediabetes with these three simple steps.)

Fat-Free-for-All: Keeping your overall fat intake to under 30 percent of your total daily calories will do your pancreas big favors, according to research. It helps improve pancreatic function, and good pancreatic function is key to controlling diabetes risk. The pancreas's main function is to produce insulin.

Nuts About Seeds: In a study, middle-aged and older adults who consumed the most alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) -- a beneficial fat found in walnuts and flaxseeds -- lowered their risk of developing diabetes by 20 percent. Higher levels of ALA have also been linked to improved insulin sensitivity and better regulation of glucose levels in animal studies. (Related: Use these three spices to get a better handle on your blood sugar.)

Diabetes is a leading killer � and over 25 million of us in the United States have it. But isn't it great to know that you could avoid being a statistic just by eating the right foods?

(Image provided by Buncombe County.)

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