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Watch Out for Toxins in "Everyday" Products

In spite of the listing of ingredients and clearly marked warnings on many products, people often use cleaning agents, personal care products, pesticides, paints, hobby products and solvents without taking the time to read the labels. There are a multitude of potentially harmful chemicals found in these items. The average home contains some 45 aerosol products alone. The aerosol particles can carry many of the toxic compounds with them and are small enough to bypass the lungs' defenses.

The harmful components in many of these household and personal care helpers can cause dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions, and eye, skin, and respiratory tract infections.

To protect yourself from exposure to the harsh chemicals read all the print on the container and follow the directions carefully. Be sure to have adequate ventilation for the product you are using. When feasible, use pump-type products instead of aerosols to avoid the inhalation of the small particles.

Be aware, that the use of the term "non-toxic" is for advertising only. It has no regulatory definition by the federal government. In many cases there are alternative and safer solutions to household chemicals and choosing an alternative solution can break the pollution cycle in your home. Using fewer chemicals will make your home a healthier and safer environment.

The following list contains recipes for reducing some of the hazardous products in your home.

All Purpose Cleaners

1. Four tablespoons baking soda dissolved into 1 quart warm water. Apply with a sponge. Rinse with clear water.
2. Apply baking soda to a damp sponge, scrub, then rinse with clear water.
3. Mix 2 tablespoons ammonia and 2 tablespoons of liquid detergent into 1 quart of warm water. Spray on surface using a spray bottle. Wipe and rinse with clear water.

Tub, Tile & Mildew Cleaner

1. Mildew and other stains can be removed from grout with a solution of � cup of bleach and 1 cup water. Let stand 5 minutes and rinse with clear water.
2. Scrub with washing soda (sodium carbonate).
3. Scrub with borax (sodium borate).

Furniture Polish

1. Mix 2 teaspoons lemon oil and 1 pint mineral oil in a spray bottle.
2. Mix 3 cups olive oil with 1 cup vinegar until well blended. Use a clean, soft cloth to apply to the furniture.
3. Wipe furniture with a slightly damp washcloth. Dry immediately with a clean, soft, dry cloth (furniture with an oil finish needs an oil-based cleaner).

Drain Cleaners

1. To keep drains clean � Flush pipes with � pound washing soda in 2 cups boiling water; then rinse. Do this monthly.
2. To unclog drains � Mix 1 cup each of baking soda, salt and white vinegar. Wait 15 minutes; then pour in drain and flush thoroughly with a kettle of boiling water. Use a plunger or metal plumber's snake if the drain is seriously clogged. *Do not use this method if you have used a commercial drain opener and it may still be present in the drain.

Toilet Bowel Cleaner

1. Mix lemon juice and borax to make a consistency of toothpaste. Flush the toilet to wet the sides. Rub paste on the toilet bowl ring and let it sit for 2 hours. Then scrub thoroughly.
2. Pour � cup liquid chlorine bleach into the toilet bowl and let it stand for 30 minutes. Scrub with a long-handled brush and flush. Never mix bleach with vinegar, toilet bowl cleaner or ammonia.
3. Sprinkle baking soda into the toilet bowl. Add vinegar. Scour with a toilet brush.

For a more complete list of cleaners contact Nancy Ostergaard, Buncombe County Cooperative Extension, 255-5522.

(Image provided by Buncombe County.)

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