Buncombe County has launched Buncombe Recovers, a Helene recovery website to keep the community informed on progress as we recover from the impacts of the storm.
The site at engage.buncombecounty.org/buncomberecovers will provide up-to-date progress reporting, disaster recovery programs and resources, and information on rebuilding efforts. Buncombe Recovers will function as a one-stop shop for survivors seeking assistance and community members looking for answers about the complexities of recovery efforts.
In telling the story of our rebuilding, Buncombe Recovers focuses on the following key areas:
Debris Management
Economic Revitalization
Health and Social Services
Natural and Cultural Resources
Helene Spending Transparency
Community Engagement
Resource Connections
Ultimately, Buncombe Recovers will be a critical hub for the community to share feedback about revitalization priorities. Visit engage.buncombecounty.org/buncomberecovers and subscribe to receive updates about Buncombe County’s ongoing recovery efforts.
Written by Buncombe County.