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Take the 40 Gallon Challenge

As summer approaches, let's start thinking about water conservation. A lot of people think about rain barrels and drought tolerant plants, but may overlook practices we can implement inside the house. Less than 1% of the Earth�s water is fresh water available for drinking, bathing and other uses, so our water usage has implications globally as well as to our own water bill.

The 40 Gallon Challenge is a voluntary nationwide campaign to increase water conservation. North Carolina residents and businesses are encouraged to reduce our water use on average by 40 gallons per person, per day by adopting new water-saving techniques. The 40 Gallon Challenge website contains the pledge card outlining water-saving practices that you can put to use. By pledging new practices, you can see the total daily savings expected from your household.

Pledging to save at least 40 gallons of water adds up. Saving a minimum of 40 gallons a day adds up to more than 1,000 gallons saved per month.

If you've already put a water-conserving plan into practice, then build on it to save more. For example, if cutting off the water while brushing your teeth is a practice you have already implemented, then don�t indicate that in your pledge because you're already doing it. Implement a new practice to add to what you already do.

(Image provided by Buncombe County.)

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