Asheville City Extends Outdoor Expansion Program Until January 3

Wed, Oct 7, 2020
This event has already occurred.
Asheville City Government

AVL Shares Space, the City of Asheville’s outdoor expansion program to help businesses add capacity during Covid-19, has been extended until January 3, 2021. AVL Shares Space includes curbside pickup zones throughout downtown, and expansions of private property, public property (sidewalk, on-street parking, parklets). The program has been instrumental for many downtown businesses.
The winter guidelines for temporary outdoor expansion spaces are available here. They include requirements for use of outdoor heaters, sides for tent/shade structures, outdoor lighting and additional maintenance considerations like snow and leaf removal. The guidelines also include staff contact information for questions and a frequently asked question section. City staff has been working directly with the Asheville Independent Restaurant Association (AIR) on this rollout and will continue providing one-on-one support to businesses as-needed.

In addition, the City is providing materials to assist with temporary parklet installation and has partnered with the American Institute of Architects Asheville (AIA) to improve accessibility into these spaces. Businesses owned or managed by people of color are especially encouraged to contact City staff for assistance.

Businesses and organizations can find applications for new temporary outdoor expansion and amend current applications with winterization changes through the City’s Development Portal here.

The public can provide feedback on these initiatives by emailing [email protected] and checking the project page for updates and input opportunities.

The City will make adjustments to the programs as-needed based on public health guidance, and will continue working with businesses and organizations to respond to critical needs, while considering new initiatives for the winter and spring and possible continuation of some opportunities longer term.