Authentic general store featuring quality goods, traditional clothing and custom fit shoes. Since 1883, Mast General Store has been outfitting the Appalachians with traditional mercantile goods, comfortable clothing, rugged footwear and quality outdoor gear for all mountain seasons. Discover for yourself why….. some times are just too good to leave behind, and why it is a simple pleasure to just browse throughout the store.
Fun in the mountains in Asheville! From rafting and rock climbing to hiking and biking, activities for visitors of all ages.
Looking for a place to stay in Asheville, NC? With its charming décor and comfortable amenities, the Country Inn & Suites provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere sure to please business and leisure travelers. Our Asheville hotel near the Blue Ridge Parkway boasts beautiful views of the mountains. You’ll find culture, nature, history and fine dining in abundance near our Asheville, NC lodging.
Take yourself down to the ballgame at McCormick Field as you watch Asheville’s minor-league heroes, The Tourists, confront a host of regional contenders. The Tourists will open the gates of McCormick Field for the first time in 2018 on April 12th for a Thirsty Thursday matchup against the Columbia Fireflies. Go Tourists!
If you’re ready for some exercise, we’ve got the spot for you. The Park features six different hiking trails, ranging in difficulty from easy-to-moderate to moderate-to-strenuous. Some lead to 404-foot Hickory Nut Falls; others lead through the woods through old growth forests, dazzling displays of wildflowers and interesting rock formations. The Great Woodland Adventure features fun, whimsical sculptures of some of the animals that call the Park home. Guided bird and wildflower hikes are just a few that are offered throughout the season. The Park, a Natural Heritage Area, is located 25 miles SE of Asheville in scenic Hickory Nut Gorge. Open all year. Live it up!
Located in the heart of Grovewood Village, this humble one-room museum tells the fascinating story of Biltmore Industries, a force in American craft that was originally backed by Edith Vanderbilt. Adjacent to the Omni Grove Park Inn.
Is a year round, non-profit organization for ages 8-18, using outdoor adventure education, service to others and environmental education.
The gallery features an state-of-the-art, interactive exhibition that uses a solid terrain model animated with regional voices, video, music and lasers to bring the culture and history of Western North Carolina to life. The Grove Arcade Arts & Heritage Gallery is a project of the Grove Arcade Public Market Foundation. Opened in January 2006, the gallery features the crafts, music and stories of the Blue Ridge. Visit the gallery and experience the places, objects and activities that authentically represent the people of Western North Carolina. The Gallery’s mission is to strive to help drive the local economy of the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area by establishing strategic partnerships and promoting the region’s arts, crafts, music and cultural heritage.
The AVMRC has two free open house’s every week that have been enjoyed by grandparents and grandchildren, as well as kids of all ages for over 2 decades. We offer two operating model RR’s with our inside HO scale layout having 2,000 feet of track. Our new outside layout is a larger G scale. Kids can run a Thomas or Emily train while there. Additionally, we have many historic pictures and items about railroads on display. Admission is free!
The Western Carolina Botanical Club (WCBC) was founded in 1973 by a small group of residents in Western North Carolina who wanted to learn about the plants of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. The mission of the Club is to identify and study native plants and their habitats and to advocate the protection of biodiversity in our natural world.
Riverlink will give you tours of Chicken Hill, Richmond Hill Inn, Riverside Park, French Broad River Park, and Swannanoa River. Tours are $10 per person.
Asheville Skatepark is 17,000 square feet of skating excitement located in downtown Asheville with three distinctive concrete areas in the beginner bowl, intermediate street course, and advanced vertical bowl.
The State Theatre of North Carolina, and one of the finest local playhouses in the United States. Highly acclaimed throughout the theater world. The Playhouse’s dual mission of producing the performing arts and providing education in the performing arts includes a ten-show professional series; a summer and fall college apprentice and intern program; performances and cabaret series by the YouTheatre; year-round classes and workshops for students from kindergarten through adults. Flat Rock Playhouse now hosts over 90,000 patrons annually and is a major contributor to the local economy and the Arts in North Carolina.
The Western North Carolina Nature Center is the first place where area children meet the animals they have read about. Deers, bears, cougars, wolf, racoons, birds and even farm animals are there for all to learn about. Exhibits on area poisonous snakes are worth absorbing. An aviary, self-guided nature trail and petting zoo make this a great place for the family. Small admission fee. offers extensive information relating to the longest hiking-only trail in the world. Thousands of AT trail hikers have shared their advice, photos and stories for others. From various wildlife you might encounter on the Trail – to the best movies featuring the AT – we have it covered. You can read other hiker’s stories, discover the highest peaks, famous places and attractions on the Appalachian Trail, and research communities along the way. We strive to be your all-everything reference when planning your AT hike and learning about the history of the trail.
Newly renovated, located a few minutes from downtown Asheville, the Asheville Mall, the world-renowned Biltmore Estate, and the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Country Inn & Suites Asheville Downtown Tunnel Road has over 45 restaurants within 5 blocks. Amenities include indoor heated salt water pool & whirlpool, fitness room, complimentary fresh cookies and coffee, free USA Today paper, In-room coffee maker, iron & ironing board, LCD TV’s and free high speed Internet, jacuzzi rooms available. After a good night’s rest, join us for our complimentary hot and healthy breakfast buffet. Please call (828) 254-4311 to book your reservation today at Country Inn & Suites Asheville Downtown Tunnel Road.
Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina, the Brevard Music Center (BMC) has been providing young musicians with the opportunity to develop their talents for sixty-eight years. Each summer more than 400 students, ages 14 through post-college, join professional musicians to eat, breathe and sleep music for seven weeks. In addition to a rigorous schedule of instruction, students collaborate with faculty and guest artists in more than eighty public performances.
Looking for a summer camp in the cool WNC mountains, then look no further, as the camp directory lists a broad range of selections.
Asheville Holistic Physical Therapy’s mission is to empower individuals in transforming their physical body to mirror their inner strength and alignment using intuitive clinical assessment, postural awareness, movement, and manual therapy.
The Asheville Museum of Science (AMOS) is Western North Carolina’s home for experiential science learning, discovery, and exploration. AMOS strives to spark the imagination and foster lifelong curiosity. Featuring science-based exhibits and programs on-site and educational programming in schools and the community, AMOS strives to give science lovers of all ages a hands-on, interactive experience.
Sensibilities has created a warm, serene environment in which to shop and experience wonderful spa services. The carefully selected bath/body products, fountains, aromatherapy candles and more will help you extend the spa experience to your home.
Most people aren’t aware that Asheville is the brewing capital of the Southeast. In fact, on just about any day of the year, one can select from about fifty locally brewed craft beers.
A 427-acre facility with a Visitor Education Center, state-of-the-art greenhouses, beautiful gardens, and walking trails. Surrounded by lush folds of the botanically diverse Southern Appalachian Mountains, The North Carolina Arboretum is adjacent to the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway, at Milepost 393, and is nestled in one of the most beautiful natural settings in America. Please note that the Arboretum recently increased its personal vehicle parking fee to $14 in order to help sustain new and future upgrades at the Arboretum and also create more job opportunities. Also, commercial vehicle parking is $50, bus parking is $100, and the first Tuesday of each month is half off personal vehicle parking.
Nestled in the foothills of North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains, this premier summer music festival and comprehensive music center has set the highest standards in performance and education for nearly seven decades.
They offer over 80 performances over seven weeks, from mid-June through early August. 828-862-2100.
Whatever your needs, Carolina Mornings has you covered with the finest vacation homes and cabin rentals in and near Asheville – whether it’s a mountain chalet, an upscale log cabin, an elegant downtown loft or a Biltmore Village condo. Be showered with free activities and concierge services from Carolina Mornings. Cabins sleep up to 10 guests, and many are pet-friendly! An exclusive offer from Carolina Mornings: all rentals also receive FREE Biltmore Estate admission, guided river rafting, golfing, downtown tours, and more with each stay!
With the romance and mystique of an era gone by, guests on board the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad will enjoy year-round scenic train journeys through some of the most beautiful landscapes in the Great Smoky Mountains. Nantahala Gorge Excursion (4½ hour round trip), Day Out With Thomas™, Peanuts™ Pumpkin Patch Express, and the Polar Express™, are just a few of the wonderful trips available to passengers. Call for additional information, or to make advance reservations.