Green roofs, naturally built bus shelters, beautiful murals and mosaics, tree plantings, neighborhood gathering places built by the people who live there,; ponds that catch, clean, and re-use rain water, simultaneous neighborhood block parties, multicultural exchanges, herb walks downtown, theatre in the streets, urban regeneration, more community gardens; more bicyclists; a Green Kid’s Parade & Festival, Pritchard Park as Vilalge Squar, volunteering for a better Asheville.
Economic Development
Offers free and confidential counseling to anyone who plans to start a business.
If you want to get involved in helping to preserve Asheville and Buncombe County’s heritage, then get involved with this organization.You will enjoy the people and the projects on which you will have an opportunity to work.
Smart Growth Partners of Western North Carolina is a grassroots non-profit organization working to achieve livable,healthy, and economically robust communities through compact and orderly development and redevelopment.
Science and Technology serving the arts. The arts serving Science andTechnology.
A Western North Carolina community-based collaborative focused on sustaining farms and rural communities through an integrated action program of farmland protection, sustainable production systems, policy development, and promotion.
The Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Department,in conjunction with the Buncombe County Economic Development Commission, exists to promote and service business and industrial growth. We provide confidential assistance to relocating and expanding industry and business with current statistical data, labor market analysis, information on community services, governmental and financial issues, etc.
For more information about the Asheville City Government
For more information about Asheville and the activities of our local chamber organization, visit our website.
Mission is to provide effective, high-quality legal counseling and representation for poor people in certain non-criminal matters that address the client’s basic needs; to ensure equal justice for poor people; to advance and protect the legal rights of the poor, and substantially improve their live.
The Asheville Hub is providing Asheville and other Buncombe County residents with a choice about the future of our community and the leadership to make our vision a reality. We do this by serving as a catalyst for collaboration around a coordinated, specific vision of what our economy and our community can become.
Regional Economic Development Commission