Kiwanis Club of Asheville

Kiwanis International is a thriving organization of service- and community-minded individuals who support children and young adults around the world. More than 600,000 Kiwanis-family members in 96 countries make their mark by responding to the needs of their communities and pooling their resources to address worldwide issues.

Child Advocacy and Prevention Services,Inc. of WNC

Our mission is to reduce/prevent child abuse and neglect, assist victims, and strengthen families through prevention, education, and treatment. We offer child abuse prevention education to children age three through the fourth grade, parenting education to the public,counseling for abused children and their families as well as adolescent and parent support groups, and information and referral. Finally, we coordinate medical examinations of physically and sexually abused children in 22 western counties through the Mission Children’s Clinic.

Asheville Rowing Club

The Asheville Rowing Club is an athletic and social organization dedicated to promoting health, fitness, and fun through the sport of rowing. For more information, please contact Dion.

Asheville GreenWorks

Asheville GreenWorks is a volunteer-based organization working to achieve a clean and green Asheville and Buncombe County through community organizing, educating and environmental stewardship.

Rotary Club

Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide, who provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Visit to view the contact information and meeting times for the local Western North Carolina chapters


f/32 meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7pm. All levels of photography experience are welcome to bring prints or slides to share in Carmike Hall on the UNCA campus. Anyone interested in joining a photography club is welcome.

Western Carolina Botanical Club

The Western Carolina Botanical Club (WCBC) was founded in 1973 by a small group of residents in Western North Carolina who wanted to learn about the plants of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. The mission of the Club is to identify and study native plants and their habitats and to advocate the protection of biodiversity in our natural world.

Mom’s Adventure Club

A Club for moms to get together in the outdoors. Call Elizabeth Daniels for more information.

Asheville Rugby Football Club

Play Hard! Play Rugby! Asheville Rugby is a member of USA Rugby and USA Rugby South. We play a competitive fall, spring and summer season. We encourage new players to join us and learn the game and traditions of rugby. No experience is necessary.

League of Women Voters

League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to encouraging political involvement by increasing the public’s knowledge of and participation in the electoral process.


YMCA works hard to keep families involved in the community and involved with each other. The YMCA has activities for all ages.

Blue Ridge Bicycle Club

Whether you ride the parkway or the trails, this club has numerous planned rides with experienced leaders. Asheville has some great places to ride – come learn some new routes with the BRBC.

The Century Club

The Century Club is recruiting volunteers to help recognize centenarians. The club was established in 1994 to honor and celebrate 100th birthdays of residents in the communities.

Song O’Sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International)

Song O’Sky Chorus invites all women 18 and over to join the fun of singing. We sing many different genres–gospel, blues, Broadway show tunes, folk songs–just to mention a few. No previous musical instruction is required; you don’t have to be able to read music. A good ear, a love of harmony, and the desire for instant friends and fellowship are all that’s necessary.

Carolina Nature Photography Association

The CNPA sponsors an outing from 8:00 to 11:00am the third Saturday of odd numbered months at the Botanical Gardens at Asheville. Free. Monthly meetings are from 7:00 to 9:00pm the first Sunday at the Botanical Gardens in Asheville.

The Asheville Marine Aquarium Society

The Asheville Marine Aquarium Society is a group of marine (saltwater) and reef aquarium enthusiasts whose goal is to educate new aquariasts and to preserve our reefs and ocean through breeding and coral propagation.

Asheville Stamp Club

The Asheville Stamp Club was established in 1924, and it has 70+ members today with a wide range of interests, from US to worldwide, with specialties in many countries and in unique areas of philately. Our monthly meetings include presentations on members’ interests, exhibits by the members, special topics, and a live auction every other month, with 200+ lots from the members. We feature a bi-monthly journal, the Smoky Mountain Philatelist, with news of local and regional interest, and one or more feature articles each issue. New members, visitors, and guest authors are welcomed! Please visit our website for the latest information and meeting details.

Mountain Shag Club

The Mountain Shag Club Inc. was formed in November 1988 as a non-profit corporation and is a member of the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs. We have 100+ members from Western North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina and the surrounding areas. Our club parties take place in Asheville and Hendersonville, N.C. Please join us on the Dance Floor!

Attachment Parenting Internationa

Attachment Parenting International is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization which offers emotional,educational, and practical support to parents who practice attachment style parenting or wish to learn more about this style of parenting.

Western North Carolina Sierra Club

The North Carolina Chapter of the Sierra Club advocates for a clean, healthy environment and the well-being of all who live in it – from the mountains to the coast and in our capitol. Participate in weekly meetings and help local environmental causes.

MINI Motoring Club of the Carolinas

A unique car club for all MINI Cooper owners fainthearted area. If you love your MINI as much as we do ours, come out for our monthly Meet ‘n’ Eats. We also participate in Car Shows, Road Rallies, and Modification Days all across the Carolinas. Let’s Motor! Call Ben Wadhams for more information.

Earth First!

Earth First! meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm. All are welcome to attend the meetings at the Fortune Building in West Asheville.

Western North Carolina Racing Pigeon Club

Western North Carolina Racing Pigeon Club meets monthly and has two pigeon racing seasons each year.

WNC Singles Club

WNC Singles Club has weekly meetings on Thursdays at 7pm at the Calvary Baptist Fellowship Hall in West Asheville.

Western North Carolina Disc Golf Club

Western North Carolina Disc Golf Club meets at 7pm on the last Monday of each month.

Blue Ridge Living History Society of North Carolina

The Blue Ridge Living History Society of North Carolina, a family-oriented, non-profit Civil War re-enacting organization, is seeking recruits in the area. Members will have an opportunity to attend re-enactments all over the eastern United States.

Lions Clubs International

Nearly 1.4 million Lions members in 194countries and geographic areas answer the needs that challenge the communities of the world. Lions tackle tough problems like blindness,drug abuse prevention and diabetes awareness.


Asheville Breakfast
Call 684-7744 for times and locations.

Call 645-3840 for times and locations.

Call 274-2766 for times and locations.

Black Mountain
Call 686-4693 for times and locations.

Call 665-2320 for times and locations.

Call 670-5918 for information. Meets at noon, first and third Wed. at the Masonic Lodge, Old Pisgah Highway,Candler.

Erwin Hills
Call 683-1668 for information. Meets at7PM, first and third Thurs. at the clubhouse on Erwin Hills Drive.

Greater Reynolds


Swannanoa Valley
Call 298-9699 for times and locations.

West Asheville
Call 253-9598 for times and locations.

Western Square, Line, and Circle Dance

Beginners’ dancing will be taught every second Sunday of the month from 2-4pm at the Stoney Mountain Activity Center in Hendersonville. Casual Dress.

Asheville Bicycle Racing Club

Asheville Bicycle Racing Club is a competitive biking club open to men and women of all ages,offering weekly rides and training.

WNC Pilots Association

WNC Pilots Association meets at 6pm the third Tuesday of each month. Aviators host their monthly meeting at Basil’s Restaurant across from the Asheville Regional airport.

Asheville Splash

Asheville Splash is a member of the National Women’s Soccer League. Visit our web site to get schedules and stats.

Society of Women Engineers

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), is a non-profit, educational and service organization driven to establish engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life-changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders.

Carolina Convertible Car Club

For anyone with a convertible who enjoys motoring with the top down – come join us for weekend rides, no memberships dues, few formalities, just driving and social fun.

Asheville Chess Club

Asheville Chess Club meets 6:30-10:30PM Wednesdays at the North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchmont Drive (behind Asheville Pizza). Sets provided, all ages all levels welcome.

Asheville Affiliates

We are a group of diverse and energetic young professionals dedicated to making Buncombe County a better place to live. By creating synergies with Buncombe County non-profit organizations, we strive to increase awareness of, and assist in fundraising for, deserving non-profits that share our vision of a better Buncombe County.

Wilderness Network of the Mountains

Wilderness Network of the Mountains provides gay men
who enjoy hiking, biking, camping, canoeing, and other outdoor activities opportunities to meet other men with similar interests. Meet great people while enjoying the great outdoors. For more information,e-mail Dave

Trout Unlimited Land-of-Sky

Trout Unlimited Land-of-Sky is an organization of anglers and conservationists dedicated to the protection of trout and their habitat. Visit their site to learn more about those trout streams within casting distance of Asheville.

Asheville Quilt Guild

The Asheville Quilt Guild consists of over three hundred members. They have a diverse membership with newcomers joining all the time. The Guild started in 1988 when the organizers of Asheville’s terrific street fair, Bele Chere, asked a group of local quilters to organize a quilt show for the fair. This “seed group” thought it was high time a local Guild got going, and the Asheville Quilt Guild was born.

Card and Board Games

Card and Board Games are offered at 1:30 and 4pm every Thursday at the Sammy Williams Senior Center. This is free and open to all seniors.

International Association of Administrative Professionals – Land Of The Sky Chapter

Administrative Professionals in the Asheville area are invited to network with other professionals during the monthly dinner meetings of IAAP. LOTS Chapter meets every 4th Thursday of the month at 5:15 p.m.

Zero Population Growth of Asheville

Zero Population Growth of Asheville meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm. Rampant population growth is causing urban sprawl and record numbers of bad air days. Can it be stopped? Yes!

Pisgah Climbers Assoc.

A nonprofit group of climbers,camps, commercial outfitters, and guides who work with the U.S. Forest Service to preserve an protect climbing areas and trails.

Carolina Mountain Club

The Carolina Mountain Club was organized to foster the enjoyment of the mountains through hiking and to encourage the conservation of our natural resources. This purpose is achieved primarily through an extensive schedule of hikes and a program of trail building and maintenance. Please choose from the following pages to find out more about the CMC.

Writers’ Group

Writers’ Group Seeks New Members
The Appalachian Round Table, a small group of writers (mostly Great Smokies Writing Program enrollees) is seeking up to four new members.. The group meets every other Tuesday, 6 to 9 PM, at the UNCA library, to workshop previously distributed literary fiction manuscripts. Interested persons please contact Jeanne Howe.

MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers)

MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers) has a meeting every First Thursday of the month at 9:15 at Trinity Presbyterian Church -17 Shawnee Trl, Asheville. Childcare is available. We have discussion on being a parent, refreshments, games, playgroups,Moms night out, guest speakers and help with everything. Please join us.

American Association of University Women

American Association of University Women (AAUW-Asheville) meets the 3rd Wednesdays of the month. This group is a 150 year old national organization promoting equity for all women and girls, lifelong education and positive societal change. The Asheville branch, North Carolina’s largest branch, and celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2014. Call Molly Keeney for more information.

Jus’ Running

Jus’ Running has weekly runs departing from the store at 523 Merrimon Avenue. Track workouts for advanced runners at 6pm. Call for more information.

Mustangers of WNC

This club for Mustang owners and enthusiasts meets monthly at Ryans Steakhouse in Hendersonville. Visitors are Welcome.

West Asheville Lions Club

West Asheville Lions Club provides support to people in the community that have visual impairments, diabetes support, and hearing loss.

Astronomy Club of Asheville

Astronomy Club of Asheville is a club dedicated to helping people at all levels of interest in astronomy, regardless of age or experience. Indoor meetings are the first Thursday of the month from 6-8pm.

Mountain True

Mountain True, previously called WNC Alliance, is a grassroots environmental organization that works to promote a sense of stewardship and caring for the natural environment. Citizens and chapters protect and preserve our natural land, water and air resources through education and public participation in policy decisions at all levels of business and government. They have chapters in Haywood, Buncombe, Macon, Jackson, Clay, Cherokee and Watauga Counties, as well as task forces dedicated to forests and public parks.

Young Professionals of Asheville

The Young Professionals of Asheville (YPA) is a group of compassionate young professionals between the ages of 21 and 40 dedicated to making Asheville a better place to live. YPA helps members by providing opportunities for business networking, personal growth, leadership development and social interaction. They help our local Asheville community by volunteering their time in various different projects. YPA members are involved with the ABCCM Mn’s Shelter and various other civic organizations on a regular basis and have many social functions throughout the year. Meetings and activities are usually held at least twice a month. Please email for more information.

Asheville Assault

Asheville Assault is a member of the National Women’s Football Association. Visit our website to get schedules and stats.

Valley Nature Club

Valley Nature Club meets for monthly walks to look at birds, flora, insects and other natural wonders in and around Black Mountain. Walks are open to all ages, including children when accompanied with an adult. Bring binoculars, notepad and pen.